Friday, February 26, 2010

New Palate

So I've finished the book and upon reading the last line had an electric feeling flow through me. This change is gonna be huge and it's gonna be healthy. And maybe one of the collateral effects of boycotting factory farms is that I will lose some baby weight. My children will grow up to be conscientious eaters; they will know what goes into what they are eating.

I made tofu last night for the first time in about a year. Anyone know if there is anything I need to know about tofu?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Being the change

I have three books that I've been working on finishing for about a year now. Yesterday I went to the library to pick up a fourth book. It's funny. I know all of these books have the power to influence the way I live and to make me make improvements in my marriage, my rearing of my children, and even my success. But yet the three original books just sit by my bedside. Why?

Because they intimidate me. I am afraid of the changes that will come after I read them even though in my heart I desperately want these changes to occur. I want to be the person that I will be after reading these books. The answer is simple: read the damn books already!

But yesterday, I bring home this fourth book. I start reading, enthralled and disgusted immediately. Every ten minutes I put it down and go surf the web. Again, this is a defense mechanism because this book intimidates me. I know that I will never be the same after reading it, nor would I want that to be the case.

From this day forward, I will choose to lead a more conscientious life. No matter how troublesome, how awkward, or how expensive. Living is making many little choices, every day. And I plan on spending a little bit more time on making these little choices.

What is that fourth book I'm finishing today? It's Jonathan Safran Foer's "Eating Animals."

"And her life was never the same ever again."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Renaissance revisited

To live life as if you've already lived life.

To make mistakes, but not too many.
To pass some sunshine to another soul.
To raise a good child.
To let things fall off the shoulders.
To laugh and laugh and laugh…